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The list below contains books in the field of medical image processing as well as in the field of computer graphics. It is just a small selection of books, and the comments reflect my personal opinion and are no general evaluation. I have listed two German books too, since they give a good introduction into this field.





Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin

Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin

Authors: Thomas Lehmann, Walter Oberschelp, Erich Pelikan and Rudolf Repges
Publisher: Springer Verlag, 1997
ISBN: 3540614583
Size: 462 pages
Price: 32.95 EURO

This German book give a good overview of the field of medical image processing. It explains the principles, models, methods and application of medical image processing. It belongs to my favourite books for medical image processing.

The Cg Tutorial

The Cg Tutorial

Authors: Randima Fernando and Mark Kilgard
Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 2003
ISBN: 0321194969
Size: 366 pages
Price: 44.99 USD

This book is not concerned with medical image processing but with the programming of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) of modern graphic cards from NVIDIA and ATI. Cg (C for graphics) is a complete programming environment for the creation of special real-time effects on both OpenGL API and Microsoft's DirectX 9.0. It explains 3D transformations, Per-vertex and per-pixel lighting, Skinning and key-frame interpolation, Environment mapping and Bump mapping. It has many examples and is easy reading.

Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice

Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice

Authors: James Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven Feiner and John Hughes
Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 1990
ISBN: 0201848406
Size: 1174 pages
Price: 79.99 USD

This huge textbook is the "bible" for computer graphics. It covers basic algorithms for 2D and 3D graphics as well as graphics hardware, user interface software, rendering with illumination and shading and a lot more. I expecially like this older edition of the book, since it uses well structured PASCAL source code instead of C in the newer editions.

Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics

Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics

Authors: James Foley and Andries van Dam
Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 1982
ISBN: 0201144689
Size: 664 pages
Price: 44.40 USD

This textbook is the the predessesor of "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice". It covers basic algorithms for 2D and 3D graphics like raster graphics, transformations, line algorithms, region filling, z-buffering and much more. This book contains also basic PASCAL sources for the algorithms.

Medizinische Bildverarbeitung

Medizinische Bildverarbeitung

Author: Heinz Handels
Publisher: Teubner Verlag, 2000
ISBN: 3519029472
Size: 366 pages
Price: 43.90 EURO

Another German book which gives an overview of medical image processing. It explains the principles, images, models , segmentation, analyzing, classification and some 3D visualization techniques. It also belongs to my favourite books for medical image processing.

OpenGL Programming Guide

OpenGL Programming Guide

Authors: Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis and Dave Shreiner
Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 1999
ISBN: 0201604582
Size: 730 pages
Price: 57.99 USD

The OpenGL Programming Guide, in its third edition, is the definitive reference for programmers using OpenGL. The authors, who are members of the OpenGL Architecture Review Board, give many tutorials on learning OpenGL, version 1.2.

Volume Graphics

Volume Graphics

Editors: Min Chen, Arie Kaufman, Roni Yagel and Min Chen
Publisher: Springer Verlag, 2000
ISBN: 1852331925
Size: 465 pages
Price: 139.00 USD

Volume Graphics contains a collection of papers by different authors. The papers are concerned with graphics scenes defined in volume data sets, where the model is defined by a mass of points instead of a collection of surfaces. Exspecially in the field of medical image processing many scalar fields can be better visualized by volume technics rather than polygon meshes.





Min Chen

Min Chen

Min Chen is working at the University of Wales at Bangor, United Kingdom. His research interests include computer graphics, visualization and multimedia communications. He is one of the editors of the book "Volume Graphics".

Andries van Dam

Andries van Dam

Andries van Dam is working at the Brown University, United States of America. He is the coauthor of the reference books "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics" and "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice".

Tom Davis

Tom Davis

Tom Davis was a principal scientist at Silicon Graphics and is one of the authors of the OpenGL reference book "OpenGL Programming Guide". One of his internal mails for Silicon Graphics was leaked by someone and gained a strong popularity, making the marketing furious. Read more about it on http://www.geometer.org/sgi/index.html.

Steven Feiner

Steven Feiner

Steven Feiner works at the Computer Science department of the Columbia University, United States of America. He is coauthor of the reference book "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice". His research interests include knowledge-based design of graphics, user interfaces, virtual worlds and augmented reality, animation, visual languages, image synthesis, hypermedia, and visualization.

Randima Fernando

Randima Fernando

Randima Fernando is the Manager of Developer Education at NVIDIA. Along with Mark Kilgard he is the author of the book "The Cg Tutorial".

James Foley

James Foley

James Foley is Professor and Associate Dean in the Georgia Tech College of Computing, and Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Georgia Tech College, United States of America. The graphics textbooks he has co-authored are widely used and have been translated into six foreign languages. In 1992, the Georgia Tech College of Computing graduate students named him, "most likely to make students want to grow up to be professors."

Heinz Handels

Heinz Handels

Heinz Handels is director of the Institute of Medical Informatics at the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. He is the author of the German textbook "Medizinische Bildverarbeitung".

John Hughes

John Hughes

John Hughes is working at the Computer Science at Brown University, United States of America. His research is in compute graphics, particularly those aspects of graphics involving substantial mathematics. He is coauthor of "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice," a standard reference work in the field.

Arie Kaufman

Arie Kaufman

Arie Kaufman is the chair of the Visualization Laboratory of the Department of Computer Science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, United States of America. He is one of the editors of the book "Volume Graphics".

Mark Kilgard

Mark Kilgard

Mark Kilgard is a Software Engineer at NVIDIA and coauthor of the book "The Cg Tutorial". The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) was developed by him while he was working for Silicon Graphics.

Thomas Lehmann

Thomas Lehmann

Thomas Lehmann works at the Instutute for Medical Informatics at the RWTH Aachen, Germany. His research interests are discrete realizations of continuous image transforms, medical image processing applied to quantitative measurements for computer-assisted diagnoses and content-based image retrieval from large medical databases. He is one of the authors of the book “Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin”.

Jackie Neider

Jackie Neider

Jackie Neider works at Silicon Graphics and is coauthor of the book "OpenGL Programming Guide".

Walter Oberschelp

Walter Oberschelp

Walter Oberschelp is a very kind Professor Emeritus of the RWTH Aachen, Germany. His research interests include algorithms, mathematics, computer architecture, medical image processing, astronomy, bio-informatics, just to name some. He is one of the authors of the book “Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin”.

Erich Pelikan

Erich Pelikan

Erich Pelikan works at Philips Medical Systems, Hamburg, Germany. He is coauthor of the German textbook "Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin".

Rudolf Repges

Rudolf Repges

Rudolf Repges is a Professor Emeritus of the Instutute for Medical Informatics at the RWTH Aachen, Germany. He is concerned with the Radon transformation and a coauthor of the book “Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin”.

Dave Shreiner

Dave Shreiner

Dave Shreiner works at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems. He is coauthor of the book "OpenGL Programming Guide".

Mason Woo

Mason Woo

Mason Woo became an independent consultant after 10 years of training and marketing graphics libraries at Silicon Graphics. He is coauthor of the book "OpenGL Programming Guide".

Roni Yagel

Roni Yagel

Roni Yagel works at the Department of Computer and Information Science at The Ohio State University and is the head of the Volume Graphics Research Group. He is coauthor of the book "Volume Graphics". His research interests include volume rendering, algorithms for voxel-based graphics, imaging, and animation, three dimensional user interfaces, and visualization tools for biomedical applications.


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