The Resource for Medical Image Processing on the Internet


 The Image Processing Site on the Internet for the medical field


www.medical-image-processing.info is intended as a central resource for information of image processing in the medical field.
It is divided into several parts: the DICOM part, the MVE part, the books part, the site-history part and the part to links of friends.
DICOM part lists some resources on medical file formats, not only DICOM but also ANALYZE formats. You will find some short descriptions of the DICOM structure.
A brief list of medical image processing books is the subject of the
books part.
site-history part contains the last changes made on this site.
The last part is a collection of
links to friends of this site. Please take a look at this page too and visit the corresponding sites.

Besides medical image processing, I am concerned with another research topic: lossless data compression. If you like, you might want to take a peek at my other Internet site
www.data-compression.info, where I collect lots of information and links about this topic.

The date format used on these pages is: dd.mm.yyyy.

This site is subject to continuing progress.

My name is Jürgen Abel and I am the author of this site.
If you have any comments, suggestions or find a broken link in my site please let me know and send your e-mail to
juergen.abel" a t "medical-image-processing.info (replace "at/@").
Your feedback is appreciated!

Please visit my new web site too, it is about builing an own own seismometer with spectral seismic analytics:

You will find my homepage at

Thank you very much for visiting my page.
Mail to Jürgen Abel


Copyright © 2003-2025 Dr.-Ing. Juergen Abel, Neckarstrasse 4, 41469 Neuss, Germany. All rights reserved.